Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hamlet Eulogy


Hamlet was thy beloved Prince.

He loved his mother and his father dearly.

He grieved his father's death,

Until it drove him crazy.

He disapproved of his mother's marriage to Claudius.

And planned to kill his stepfather.

He was killed by Laertes,

When he was wounded while fencing.

Hamlet hadeth a true friend Horatio,

Horatio stood by Hamlet and agreed with thee Hamlet always.

Hamlet will be truly missed by many.

Rest in peace thou Hamlet.

Laertes Eulogy


Laertes was a well-known man.

He was the son of thou late Polonius,

And thou brother to the beautiful Ophelia.

He tooketh a trip to France,

and missed thou deaths of his family.

Laertes plotted with the king,

To kill Hamlet.

Thy plan back fired and though he fatally wounded Hamlet,

He too was killed.

He will be missed,

For being a part of this crazieth battle between families.

Claudius Eulogy


Claudius was thy brother in law,

And a second Husband to Gertrude.

He waseth also Hamlet's step father and Uncle.

Although believed to have killed Hamlet's father,

He loveth thy Gertrude very much.

The people also loved thy Claudius.

He was very sneaky and had people spying on thou Hamlet,

Who he belived would be the cause of his death.

He was right when Hamlet made him drink the poison that gertrude had drank before.

Claudius with be misseth by thou Danish people,

But not by his family.

Gertrude Eulogy


Gertrude was a lovely queen and helped her family much.

No matter what Hamlet dideth,

She was always there trying to get him outeth.

Gertude Loveth Hamlet's father,

Her first Husband and missed him much.

Gertrude got over it sooneth and moved on to his brother Claudius.

Though incestuous sheets they were,

Thy heart was true.

Thy accidental death was that of a poison.

Thy has no family to be missed by,

But thou Danish people will.

Guildenstern Eulogy


Guildenstern was quite thy person.

He follow'd thy friend Rosencrantz

and did as he was told by thy King and thy friend.

He was a friend of the beloved Hamlet

and never thought he would cause his death.

He was quite the traveller and sailed with Ronsencrantz.

He teasedeth a lot and enjoyed oneself having fun.

though he was not the smartest,

He snuck for the King

to help thy dear friend Hamlet.

Guildenstern will be missed for his outgoingeth self.



Here was a man who acted well.

He was trusted by thy king to help thee stepson.

He was a member of the Danish court.

A good friend of Prince Hamlet he was

and Guildenstern his oth'r half.

He attended school with his good friends Hamlet and Guildenstern.

He always tried to please both thy king and thy friend

He travelled for a orders of a king

And was put to death by the orders of a false letter.

Terribly he will be missed.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ophelia Eulogy


Our dearest friend and fellow lady.

Ophelia was a beloveth daughter of Polonius.

She was carethed about by thy brother Laertes.

Her eye was set on thy prince Hamlet and thy loveth her also.

She was disappointed by thy only two men in thy life that thy carethed about.

Post the passing of thy dear father, she wenteth crazy.

Laertes returned from thy trip and tried to help.

But thy was too late for that.

Her death was peaceful and thy died singing alongeth the long purples.

Rest in peace thy dear Ophelia and rest thy mind.

Polonius Eulogy


Polonius 'tis the man quite.

The best he wanted for his dearest childs, Ophelia and Laertes.

He triest to run his childrens lives and suggestions to lifeth he did give.

He was quiteth the friend to the dear King Claudius and his queen Gertrude.

He died spying on the dear Queeneth and her son Hamlet.

Laetres and the King are quiteth the spys.

He never did liketh Hamlet and tried to keep him away from thy dear Ophelia.

Too badeth he lost that battle and now thy is dead.

He will be quiteth thy missed by thou family and thou friends.

Peace be with you our dear Polonius.